Monday, December 12, 2011

A Movie Review
      The movie transformers is a entertaining to the viewers of the movie and I am sure it was entertaining to the actors of the movie as well. As well as being a entertaining movie it had a plot and a great moral to it. In the actual scenes it always kept the viewer on the edge of their seats on what might happen to the good guys and what might happen to the bad guys in the end almost saying what is the ending to this story before it even begins.

               In my oppion I believe that this movie is a very on the edge of your seat movie. If you were to sit down and watch it you may end up watching all three of the series transformers no matter what. And this is because every movie in the transformers series always if there is another movie coming and they really want you to know that it is coming they will use some sort of sentence from the secondary star of the show to show that there is more to the story and to find out what it is you as the viewer have to go and get the next movie of the series to find out what more is to the story.

              The basic plot of this movie is that when there is a time of trouble who in the world is going to stand up to save it that is not a soldier and that sometimes as a person you have to help with things that come to you through history of your past ancestry or through the things that you as the owner posses in your own ownership.

      I felt that the direction of the whole movie went the right direction becouse it reilly showed the plot of why the transformers were there and why there were battles for fragments that weren known to humans. so I believe that when the directer and the rest of the actters did this movie they relly knew or had to know the story behind the whole name of the transformers.

       I belive that the movie was not based off a book at all.

       My rating over this movie from one to ten would have to be atleast a nine. This rating is only because of all the profannitee that is in this movie. If the directer gits rid of most of all the profannitee than I think it my be a little better  at a ten as its ratting.